Protected: Hall Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade facilities upgrade There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Giralang I campaigned strongly on the Giralang shops saga in the two previous elections. I’m glad we finally got a result but am dismayed at the ordeal.
Kaleen – no longer the poor cousin Kaleen has always been a big part of my life. I lived here until moving to Gungahlin to start my own family.
State-of-the-art Indoor Sports Centre in Casey Gungahlin is severely lacking in sporting facilities across the board. Near the top of that list is a multi-purpose Indoor Sports Centre.
Nicholls Enclosed Oval pavilion is no longer fit for purpose Nicholls Enclosed Oval facilities are no longer fit for purpose. Let's back community sports.
ACT Active Kids vouchers Every child should have the opportunity to play sport with a community club. ACT Active Kids vouchers for school children will knock down barriers for families.
Climate Change is the defining issue of our time Climate Change is the defining issue of our time. Without drastic action today, adapting later will be more difficult and costly.
Education in Canberra: the next looming crisis We treat schools and teachers like babysitters but expect them to perform magic with one hand tied behind their backs. Educaton deserves better.
Meals in Schools Meals in Schools is a good initiative, but it is used as a political football, which may have cost its long-term viability.
MLAs must not censor discussion on social media Politicians who block, delete and otherwise censor reasonable discussion and debate on social media are not accessible, transparent, or accountable.