
Village of Hall and District Progress Association

Village of Hall and District Progress Association

Logo with wording: Independents for Canberra - It's time for change

We would like to introduce ourselves as the two lead candidates for Yerrabi, running with Independents For Canberra (IFC). We are Sneha KC and David Pollard. Sneha is a Registered Nurse with a keen interest in geriatric care, and David is a Software Engineer who owns his own business.

We are both running as Independent candidates under the IFC group. This means that we have a small team of volunteers behind us, a very small amount of community provided donations, strength in numbers, but we are still independent. We are independent from party politics, from big financial donors, from vested interests, and from everything else that stops the major party MLAs from genuinely representing you.

We are hearing from lots of different people and communities about all the things they would like to see Canberra do better, but one message is consistently present regardless of the topic – the government lacks accountability. Without checks and balances, a majority government or coalition can get away with anything at all – and they frequently do.

Sneha and David want to change that, but we need your support! We need volunteers to support their campaign through gifts of time, effort, and funds. If you want to see a positive change for Canberra, please reach out to David and Sneha.

We had the opportunity to sit down with representatives of VHDPA and hear about the work they have been doing over the years, and the support they are currently seeking on behalf of the people of Hall – thank you for that opportunity. For an area like Hall to have such a passionate community association is wonderful to see.

A few words from David

Our chat with VHDPA was interesting, inspiring, but then also frustrating. Interesting because every time I come to Hall I learn a little bit more about the history of the Village and District. Inspiring because the reasons I have for running as an Independent keep being reflected by the communities I visit, and validate my thoughts that we need the type of accountability that Independents can bring.

Then came the frustration because Hall is seeing the same problems as the rest of Yerrabi, and Canberra: developers trampling over precinct codes and planning regulations (and getting away with it); infrastructure and planning lagging years or decades behind where they should be; a complete disregard for community consultation (even in the face of an efficient and effective community association); hypocritical messaging around active travel (especially as an election approaches); and dismissive “planning” and “design” phases that rarely seem to deliver anything tangible – and these are just the start.

These themes keep repeating all over Yerrabi and Canberra, and they all boil down to a government that isn’t held to account, and who takes their position for granted. It’s time that changed.

VHDPA raised several specific needs for Hall including leasing arrangements of the pavilion and old Hall school, adequate stormwater infrastructure, pedestrian access to the rest of Canberra, road safety especially at Barton Highway, and playground enhancements. These all range from very reasonable requests to well overdue necessities.

Please feel free to reach out to discuss what is important to you this election, or if you would like to support the Independent campaign.

David Pollard

A few words from Sneha

Dear Members of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association,

Firstly, I am fully committed to maintaining the Hall Village Heritage Precinct and ensuring strict compliance with the management guidelines outlined in the Heritage Places Register 2001. Preserving the historical significance and conserving the natural and Aboriginal values of the landscape, including the specified buffer zones, is paramount to preserving Hall’s unique identity as a rural village.

Secondly, I pledge to ensure that the Village of Hall and District Progress Association is actively informed of and consulted on all proposals and plans for improvements, maintenance, or any other activities by the ACT government and its agencies within or adjacent to Hall Village. Community involvement and input are essential in shaping decisions that affect the local area.

Regarding the key community concerns outlined:

I support providing ongoing security of “peppercorn” lease tenure for the former Hall School site and the Hall Pavilion, recognizing their importance to the community.

I will advocate for the completion of comprehensive stormwater infrastructure works as agreed upon with community stakeholders, addressing crucial drainage issues.

Establishing a safe sealed cycle and pedestrian path to Hall Village from Clarrie Hermes Drive beside Victoria Street is a priority for enhancing accessibility and safety.

I will push for a thorough assessment of the Barton Highway intersection with Gladstone Street and Wallaroo Road to address safety concerns comprehensively.

I am committed to the full implementation of the Adventure Trail and Natural Play Space Gladstone Street Hall Design, the Bush Tucker Garden, and installation of “all abilities” playground equipment, promoting inclusive recreational opportunities.

I look forward to working closely with the Village of Hall and District Progress Association and its members to address these concerns effectively. Together, we can ensure that Hall Village continues to thrive while preserving its unique heritage and improving amenities for all residents.

We are here for change and change we will bring. This is not only for us but for the future of our coming generations.

We have tried different parties and their representatives; it is now time to give one opportunity to an independent.

We will be the check and balance measure in the Assembly as your voice.

Please note “I am for you, I am by you, I am one of you.”

Thank you for the opportunity to outline my commitments. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or if there are additional matters you would like to discuss.

Sneha KC

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