
Policies and platforms

There is only one way to vote for change. Vote 1 Independents for Canberra. Find out why.

How to vote

I am running as an Independent in the ACT Legislative Assembly election. A locally focused Independent can bring attention to local issues that have are neglected by the major parties, while adding scrutiny to Canberra-wide issues.

As an Independent, I believe my strongest value will be in influencing how policies are made, regardless of what that policy is.  I value evidence-based policy and strong community engagement.

Nonetheless, it is still helpful to understand what type of person I am.  These are my policies and platforms (with more coming every week), which speak to my values. However, as an Independent representative it is my duty to listen, understand and most importantly represent your point of view.  I stand by my beliefs publicly and am willing to discuss them with anyone, though I am always open to alternate points of view.  I will admit if I didn’t have all the evidence to back up a particular position and change my mind when presented with new evidence.

To speak with and for the people is core to being a member of the Legislative Assembly.


These are the key things that Canberrans should have.

  • Happiness comes from having a secure roof over our heads, food on the table, connectedness to our community, and more.
  • Our healthcare system needs to be a comprehensive approach to our physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Education at all ages and levels improves personal and societal outcomes. From preschool, we should strive to be life-long learners and have the opportunity for excellence.
  • We should be an informed population. We should be told what our government is doing, is planning, and is considering. Nothing the government does should be a surprise to the people.

Policy iconI support Voluntary Assisted Dying. Voluntary assisted dying laws allow people with certain medical criteria the right to end their life on their own terms. There is dignity and compassion in this. I support Canberra’s VAD laws as a positive first step. We aren’t done yet, though we must tread carefully. READ MORE

Policy iconI support a city-wide Light Rail network. It looks like things have gone off the rails, but I would like to help get them back on, not scrap the project. One stage per decade is not good enough. READ MORE

Policy iconCasey has a history of missing things it was promised. From FTTP NBN in some parts, to a bowling green, to a cafe at the pond, there have been too many empty promises. Other parties are joining my call for an indoor sport centre, but as an Independent I will make sure it’s the state-of-the-art facility we need. READ MORE

Policy iconThe Nicholls Enclosed Oval pavilion is no longer fit for purpose. It hosts rugby, cricket, rugby league, OzTag, soccer, and even mixed martial arts. It is a dated facility that no longer serves the needs of the Gungahlin community. For starters, women players must share a toilet with male players, walking through the men’s change room and past urinals to get there. READ MORE

Policy iconClimate Change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at a defining moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly. READ MORE

Policy iconEvery child should have the opportunity to play sport with a community club. ACT Active Kids vouchers for school children will knock down barriers for families. READ MORE

Policy iconIt’s crisis after crisis these days, and education is up next. A good education is critical to individual and societal success. We treat schools and teachers like babysitters but expect them to perform magic with one hand tied behind their backs. READ MORE

Policy iconIt’s time for some uncomfortable conversations about what our approach to bullying in schools looks like. This is an incredibly difficult topic, but it is life-changing for the victims. It is too important to get this wrong. READ MORE

Policy iconMeals in Schools is a good initiative, but it was under-resources and over-promised from the time it was announced as an election commitment 4 years ago. READ MORE


I believe the government and the people should be able to trust each other, and I believe that trust has broken down. One of us must start to mend that trust, and I believe that should be the government. If they can demonstrate that they trust the people, then the people might start trusting the government again. Once we have established this mutual trust, we can work together for the betterment of our community – that’s what a democracy should be.

Policy iconACT Labor haven’t had to defend their policies to an opposition, a cross bench, or even the ACT public in far too long. That lack of scrutiny is bad for democracy. At best, it breeds complacency and arrogance. At worst, it breeds corruption and incompetence. MORE COMING SOON

Policy iconThe roles of the Chief Minister and Treasurer are both incredibly important, and incredibly powerful. Just like in any public listed company, separate people should fulfill these roles. Concentrating that much power in the hands of one person is not good for transparency, accountability, or good governance. MORE COMING SOON

Policy iconPoliticians who block constituents on social media are not accountable or transparent. They create an echo chamber and cannot accurately represent the people they are meant to. I will stop Canberra politicians from unfairly blocking people on official channels. READ MORE


The major parties present their values and policy platforms every four years, and we must choose one to implement their plan without question until the next election. Independents ask questions and refine the ongoing work of the Assembly to ensure that outcomes are community focused. Independents answer only to the community, on every single issue.

Policy iconCrace: Back where it all started. I live in Crace with my wife, our two kids, and our dog. I founded the Crace Community Association six months after moving in. This community has been very important to me ever since. READ MORE

Policy iconCasey: Recurring blackouts, development applications, traffic congestion, public transport, and local parks and amenities are top of the list whenever I visit Casey. READ MORE

Policy iconKaleen: Kaleen has always been a big part of my life. I lived here until moving to Gungahlin to start my own family. I started my working life with my family software development business that is still based in Kaleen. I still work in the business today. READ MORE

Policy iconGiralang: The most common thing I hear from Giralang is that you are exhausted in fighting against the government, and you want them back on your side. That’s something an independent can – and must – deliver. READ MORE

Policy iconHall: The VHDPA raised several specific needs for Hall including leasing arrangements of the pavilion and old Hall school, adequate stormwater infrastructure, pedestrian access to the rest of Canberra, road safety especially at Barton Highway, and playground enhancements. These all range from very reasonable requests to well overdue necessities. READ MORE

Policy iconThrosby: During my election campaign in 2020, Throsby was fighting for local shops to be delivered as advertised when they bought their blocks. Unfortunately, they lost that fight. It’s time to start listening to locals. READ MORE

Policy iconOur newer Gungahlin suburbs like Moncrieff had glossy sales pitches. How much of the brochure was delivered? Moncrief had three commercial zoned blocks and there was talk of a supermarket, local shops, a cafe, a community centre, and more. READ MORE

Help me reach out to YOUR community. Get in touch and let me know where and when is a suitable time to visit. I will promote it to locals and come and listen to your concerns.


As well as my own independent positions, I have collaborated with other independent candidates across Canberra on a shared platform. You can read more about that platform on our Independents for Canberra website.